Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Colour Monotony

Since that picture of Hamish Bowles on the Sartorialist and that article on colour in the newest editin of FantasticMan I cannot stop thinking about colour. It's something that up until now i've probably only subconciously considered and after only small amounts of pondering It's led me to want to completely recreate my wardrobe.

When I open the doors to my small and over stuffed wardrobe what always hits me is navy blue. Navy blue or red and thats it, the odd smattering of black and white from jeans and t-shirts , one long sleeved green shirt recently bought from topman but the rest is a mixture or navy and sky blues.

So where do you start on colour, do you buy everything in similar colours so as each item will work with most if not all others? or do I create individual outfits and then swap items at a latter point? Its all very confusing so I think I'll most likely stick to what I do now, buy what I want when I see it and not really bother thinking about anything in the long run.

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